Emergency preparedness is a vast subject and unnerving to many.
Who has the time to cut through the loads of information and just help you get ready? Whether it’s an ice storm that hits (note Arkansas had one that knocked out region-wide power for 3 weeks in 2000) or a bigger disruption (like 9/11), do you know what to do? The below quiz will help you administer a reality check.
10 Question Emergency Preparedness Pop Quiz: (Yes/No)
1.I know how to find emergency water.
2.I have back up water prepared already.
3.I know I can last 3 weeks if grocery stores closed down.
4.I know how to prolong my food supply for months or years.
5.While the whole city goes dark, I’m confident my freezer and lights will work.
6.I have worked out an evacuation route, and my family knows it to.
7.I know what to do if cell phones don’t work anymore in my region.
8.I have a secure home from weather or people-related threats.
9.I know exactly what to do in a city-wide threat (be it weather or otherwise).
10.I’ve looked at my emergency kit in the past month and have it seasonalized.
If you answered “Yes!” to the majority of the above, you’re on your way to living a lifestyle of preparedness. If you got stuck on any one, you qualify to get out of the dark quickly!
Either way, join us at our upcoming Really Ready Weekend 2011. We help the novice get started and the expert to expand to satisfying levels. Prepare The Way LLC exists to help school you and to help you climb to an acceptable level of safety before any catastrophe hits. We do not want to sell you gear, we want to empower your know-how so you will be a part of the solution in trying times.
Join the journey of lifestyle readiness with us.